My background is like as follows, I know I need, and want to improve myself and learn more about economics/money, government and policy (laws), history, religion, math and science.
University of Kansas 1502 Iowa Street Lawrence, KS 66045-7576
Major: B.S. Environmental Studies (Fall 2014 – Spring 2015) (Fall 2016 – Spring 2020)
Degree: B.S. Environmental Studies - August 2020
Emporia State University 1 Kellogg Circle, Emporia, KS 66801
Major: B.S. Biology (fisheries) Fall 2015
American Public University System 111 West Congress Street Charles Town, West Virginia 25414
Major: B.S. Environment Science Spring 2012-Winter 2013 Sessions (online college)
Independence Community College 1057 West College Avenue Independence, Kansas 67301
Computer Information Technology Fall 2007 - Spring 2008
Degree Awarded: Applied Associates Degree - Computer Information Technology - May 2008
Coffeyville Community College 600 Roosevelt Street Coffeyville, Kansas 67337
Information Systems Technology Fall 2006 – Spring 2007
Certificate of Achievement – Information Systems Technology
● Classes: Biostatistics, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Field Ecology, Ecology, Ecosystem Management. Multiples of Biology (Intro, Plants, Animals, Cellular), Chemistry (Intro, 1 & 2), Geography (intro and human), Math (up to calculus 125 at KU (differential and integral calculus)), English (1 & 2, and technical writing), Limnology, Geology, Spanish 1, Intro Sociology, LA&S290 (teaching elementary), Environmental Sociology, Permaculture Principles, Society and Environment (systems thinking type class), Global Environment 1 & 2, Speaker Audience Communication, Environmental Law, Environmental Policy, Ecosystem Management, History and Diversity of Organisms, Water Quality Land Use and Watershed Ecology, Ecohydrology (some), Environmental Impact Assessment (some), Business Math, Accounting, Microeconomics, Business Communication, Visual Basic programming, Web Design, American Government, Contemporary American History, .
● Certifications and Skills: CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, Microsoft Certified Professional (Windows XP and studied MS Server 2005). Permaculture design certificate. Microsoft Office Suite. Light mechanical skills. Experienced landscaper, roofing, light carpentry,.
● Stock investor (previously), Environs Club (KU) and environmental group(s) member, lifelong physical fitness and learning,
Awards and Decorations:
- Service - Afghanistan Campaign Medal (2 Campaign Stars), Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, NATO Medal, Combat Action Badge (in-direct fire landed close enough), Air Assault Badge.
–I.T. Awards- -Business Professionals of America (Post-Secondary Division - 2007): State Awards: 1st - place Cisco Systems Administration and Microsoft Server Administration, 3rd place - Networking Technologies. National Awards: Top Ten - Networking Technologies.
Job History Summary:
More Recent: Delivery driver for ____ and a _____ contractor from Oct. 2019 to August 2020. KU recycling technician for 3 months. United States Army Reserves 37F Psychological Operations Specialist (never MOS/job trained) from Dec. 2016 to Sep. 2018 while going to KU. Summer park ranger at Clinton Lake, KS in 2015.
Past: 14S Avenger Crewmember (short-range air defense) while in the Army from Feb. 2011 to July 2014. Deployed to Afghanistan after intensive training on the LPWS (Land-Based Phalanx Weapon System) within the Army’s Counter-Rocket Artillery and Mortar system(s) (CRAM). Stayed on base in F.O.B. Shank (southeast of Kabul).
More Distant Past: Walmart Tire and Lube Technician in Norman, OK off I-35. Technical Support at Dell in Oklahoma City for a bit (support contracting). Customer Service Representative at ____ Telecommunications in Independence, KS, Amazon seasonal warehouse worker a few times. Summer City helper in 2008 for the City of ______ (landscaping, painting, checking water meters, cleaning, various work). Custom PVC pipe former (machine press operator) at ______ Manufacturing for almost a year.
Some definitely will question my credentials and experience (as they should honestly), especially in the political realm and that's fine and a valid criticism. - I'm very acceptable of criticism and not an overly emotional person when it comes to matters such as that - I mostly evaluate the claims and accept or reject what I believe is valid and true. No one is perfect. We are all human - irrational, emotional creatures with egos - not robots. Each with a different perspective and life experience, different genetics, etc.
I would make the argument that in our society today - we have the most powerful man in the world, our president of the United States, President Trump (2017-2021), who showed many many character flaws. We have elections where our choices have been these subpar (imo) candidates, for years and years now. We use to elect actually some/or the best of us to be in National Politics but it has turned into seemingly a "swamp" as President Trump would say.
We've got many people in Washington with little knowledge of the actual natural world and how it works and instead constantly bombard us with beliefs in man-made systems (financial, business, etc.) that aren't even truly substantiated or backed by real data. We've seen the effects of "trickle down" economics especially well here in our State of Kansas by former Governor Jerry Brown. The results weren't good. Yet many people still hold onto these beliefs and what I would call, propaganda, perpetuated by the right wing. Yet many of these people would call my beliefs and propositions "extreme" or "radical". What I would call extreme or radical is the thinking that our current economic system can infinitely grow on a finite planet - even with little or no actual technological advancements or just consuming more resources than the planet gives us. Sure, computers and technology constantly improve - productivity of the average person should and has gone up, yet we, the common working people, see very little benefit in terms of salary and having more personal free time as Bernie Sanders has pointed out numerous times for many years now.
What is "radical", in my opinion, is using up all of our natural resources as seemingly fast as possible, very often wastefully, often for short term profits for a few individuals and we are okay with that, while even in America people suffer from food insecurity and food desserts. Most people in the world live in poverty - I've seen it (while in Afghanistan), with little to no chance of living such nice lives that we have here in America. People who don't even have access to clean water and their kids can suffer from developmental disorders, yet we here in America, think its radical to have to bring some bags with us when we go shopping for example (not a huge issue but making a point, please don't be overly emotional and take personal offense).
The right wing has constantly, historically tried to divide us on issues such as abortion, gun rights, family values, and the like. These are just talking points to get votes and shift attention away from the real issues. The separation of Church and State was written into the constitution. Religious freedom is very, very important but a relationship with God, in my opinion, need not extend and should not be extended into external matters such as politics, sports, academics etc. It is personal (religion that is) but also not because people are people and have beliefs that we bring when we present outselves and go out in the world. A person having the choice and freedom and actually living according to their religious beliefs, even if given other choices, in my opinion, actually shows more devotion to a one's religion then trying/attempting to take away choice and freedom from others. I really enjoy some of the songs by A Perfect Circle such as their rendition of "Imagine" and their album "Emotive" and think it applies quite well to some of these matters. It's fine if you disagree with my views and would encourage you to vote for someone else. I would encourage critical thinking on these and all issues.
I am not against capitalism - I think it has proven to be the best system for the advancement of the human race. I just think we need to start taking into account the environment and the laws of science and the universe. To do anything else, is arrogant and dangerous, in my opinion.