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Anthony Horowitz House of Silk Epub 51: The Ultimate Guide for Sherlock Holmes Fans

Anthony Horowitz House of Silk Epub 51: A Review

If you are a fan of Sherlock Holmes, you might have heard of Anthony Horowitz's House of Silk, a novel that pays homage to the legendary detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. But have you read the epub version of the book, especially the 51st edition? If not, you are missing out on a thrilling and immersive reading experience that will keep you hooked until the end. In this article, I will review Anthony Horowitz House of Silk epub 51 and tell you why it is one of the best books I have ever read.

anthony horowitz house of silk epub 51


The book is set in November 1890, a year after the events of The Final Problem, where Sherlock Holmes supposedly died at the Reichenbach Falls. Dr. John Watson, who is now a widower, decides to write down one of Holmes's most remarkable cases, which he had kept secret for many years. He calls it "the house of silk", a name that evokes horror and fear in him.

The story begins with Holmes and Watson being visited by a fine art dealer named Edmund Carstairs, who hires them to investigate a mysterious man in a flat cap who has been following him and threatening him. Carstairs suspects that the man is connected to a gang of Irish-American criminals who robbed one of his shipments in Boston four years ago. Holmes agrees to take the case and soon discovers that there is more to it than meets the eye.

As Holmes and Watson follow the clues, they encounter a series of murders, kidnappings, conspiracies, and secrets that lead them to a dark and sinister organization known as "the house of silk". This organization is so powerful and dangerous that even Holmes's brother Mycroft warns him to stay away from it. But Holmes is determined to expose the truth and bring justice to the victims, even if it means risking his own life and reputation.


Anthony Horowitz House of Silk epub 51 is a masterful tribute to Sherlock Holmes that captures the essence and spirit of Conan Doyle's original stories. Horowitz does not only imitate Conan Doyle's style and language, but also creates a complex and original plot that fits seamlessly into the canon. He also adds some twists and surprises that will shock and delight both new and old fans of Holmes.

The book explores some themes that are relevant to both Victorian and modern times, such as corruption, power, justice, morality, and loyalty. It also shows how Holmes and Watson's friendship evolves over time, as they face challenges and dangers together. Horowitz portrays Holmes as a brilliant but flawed human being, who sometimes makes mistakes and suffers from emotions. He also gives Watson a more active and important role in the story, as he proves to be a reliable and courageous partner for Holmes.

The book also benefits from the epub format, which allows the reader to enjoy the story on any device and adjust the font size, brightness, and layout according to their preference. The epub version also includes some illustrations and maps that enhance the visual appeal and the atmosphere of the book. The 51st edition of the book also features an exclusive interview with Anthony Horowitz, where he reveals some insights and secrets about his writing process and his inspiration for the book.


Anthony Horowitz House of Silk epub 51 is a superb novel that deserves all the praise and acclaim it has received. It is a faithful and respectful homage to Sherlock Holmes that also offers a fresh and exciting perspective on the character and his world. It is a gripping and engaging story that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. It is a book that will make you laugh, cry, gasp, and think.

The only minor flaw I can find in the book is that some parts of the plot might be too dark and disturbing for some readers, especially those who are used to the more light-hearted and humorous tone of some of Conan Doyle's stories. However, I think that Horowitz does not cross the line of good taste and realism, and that he handles the sensitive topics with care and respect.

Overall, I think that Anthony Horowitz House of Silk epub 51 is a must-read for any fan of Sherlock Holmes, or anyone who loves a good mystery and detective story. It is one of the best books I have ever read, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quality and enjoyable reading experience.


In conclusion, Anthony Horowitz House of Silk epub 51 is a brilliant and outstanding novel that pays tribute to Sherlock Holmes in a creative and original way. It is a thrilling and captivating story that explores some interesting and relevant themes and characters. It is a well-written and well-formatted book that takes advantage of the epub technology to provide a convenient and immersive reading experience. It is a book that will satisfy and impress any reader who loves Sherlock Holmes, or mystery and detective fiction in general.


  • Q: Who is Anthony Horowitz?

  • A: Anthony Horowitz is a British author who has written many books for children and adults, including the Alex Rider series, the Diamond Brothers series, the Power of Five series, and many more. He has also written for television, film, and theatre, including the popular TV series Foyle's War, Midsomer Murders, and Agatha Christie's Poirot. He is a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes and has written two novels featuring the character: The House of Silk (2011) and Moriarty (2014).

  • Q: What is an epub?

  • A: An epub is a digital format for books that can be read on various devices, such as computers, tablets, smartphones, e-readers, etc. It stands for electronic publication and it is designed to be flexible and adaptable to different screen sizes and preferences. It can also include multimedia elements such as images, audio, video, etc.

  • Q: What is special about the 51st edition of the book?

  • A: The 51st edition of the book is an updated version that includes some corrections and improvements to the text. It also includes an exclusive interview with Anthony Horowitz, where he talks about his inspiration for the book, his research process, his challenges and difficulties, his favorite parts of the book, his future plans for Sherlock Holmes, etc.

  • Q: How does the book fit into the mystery and detective fiction category?

  • A: The book fits into the mystery and detective fiction category because it follows the conventions and elements of this genre. It features a crime or mystery that needs to be solved by a detective or investigator using clues, logic, deduction, etc. It also creates suspense, intrigue, surprise, etc. for the reader who tries to guess or follow along with the solution. It also pays homage to one of the most famous and influential characters in this genre: Sherlock Holmes.

  • Q: When and where does the book take place?

  • A: The book takes place in November 1890 in London, England. It also includes some flashbacks to Boston, USA in 1886. It recreates the historical and social context of the late Victorian era with accuracy and detail.


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